“The lungs of Dar Es Salaam”

Pugu/kazimzumbwi Nature Forest Reserve with 12,015ha is the remnant of the oldest lowland Coastal forests of Tanzania. The reserve is located 12 kilometers Southwest of Dar Es Salaam. The forest is recognized for its high biodiversity value with spectacular flora and fauna. As a result of such rich biodiversity, a number of touristic attractions are found in the reserve. These include closed forest full of various plant species, giant bamboo stands, lake Minaki, bat caves, Dar Es Salaam City viewpoints, worshiping sites, ritual sites, the endemic Mpugupugu tree from which the reserve got its name; colobus monkeys and millipedes. This rich portfolio of tourism attractions enable the reserve to offers enormous recreation satisfactions for Dar es Salaam dwellers and travelers awaiting their flight at the Julius Nyerere International Airport.

Ecotourism Activities

Ecotourism activities that can be done at Pugu/kazimzumbwi Nature Forest Reserve include: Hiking, canoeing, bird watching, photographing, camping, worshiping, meditation and trekking to view-points.

Other Tourist Attractions near Pugukazimzumbwi Nature Forest Reserve

Other tourist attractions found near Pugu/kazimzumbwi Nature Forest Reserve are Vikindu Range and Nyerere National Park.


Pugu/kazimzumbwi Nature Forest Reserve is accessible through a tarmac road only 12 km from Dar Es Slaam City Center.


This activity is done because there are important features that facilitate nature…


The reserve have permanent natural dams such as Minaki dam,The dam are sources of water…


PKNFR have campsites for camping, and there are luxury tents with different sizes which…


PKNFR  is a best place for working safaris to see different attractions through…


PKNFR  is a home to a wide range of endemic and rare bird species. There are tour…


PKNFR is one of the best areas for conducting field research and training on ecology and…



The Utete Spring Reservoir is located in Utete town, Rufiji District, Coast Province. The source is located on the Rufiji River and between the Utete and Katundu forests on the east side and covers an area of ​​2,346 Acres (equivalent) and 938.4 ha). This park with GN Cap 132 (1351) (refer to appendix number 1 copy of GN) where it was isolated and started to be preserved in 1930 by the colonists as part of tourism due to the presence of hot springs.

Since the country gained independence this area has not been taken over or put in place by any strategy to develop or preserve it and lead the community to invade it with social activities such as establishing permanent settlements, agriculture, livestock grazing and access to water and bathing water services these help to cure some diseases.

Also since the establishment of the Tanzania Forest Service Agency in 2011, the TFS Rufiji District Office has not taken or put in place any strategy to manage and develop this area as it appeared to have a ownership dispute.


ATTRACTIONS Utete Hot spring Nature Forest reserve is endowed with both Natural and Cultural resources such as:

·       Utete Hot spring

·       Camping sites

·       Conference hall.


Tourism business shows a positive trend in Utete Hot spring, there are number of investment opportunities within and around Utete Hot spring Nature Forest Reserve. Investors are welcomed to invest in accommodation (camping services and eco lodges) and cuisine services (restaurants). These sites offer investment opportunities in the following areas:


Currently there are limited meals and accommodation services in Utete Hot spring therefore; this area offers a substantial opportunity for investment. The management of Utete Hot spring  invites both foreign and local investors to invest inside and outside the reserve in terms of picnic lunch, picnic sites, camp sites and eco-lodges especially at Rufiji District area  and in other areas. Issues of EIA and carrying capacity are highly regarded in Utete before, during and after investment with regard to national laws and policies dealing with environmental protection.


In terms of transportation the route is quite good until our tourist area for the whole year; we as an institution have not yet started providing transportation services. Because there are passenger cars making its way from Utete District to Dar es Salaam, Lindi and other southern regions passing through our entrance gate to the tourist area, there are also small cars that you can rent to get you easily to our tourist area.


The reserve head office offers camping and picnics sites, hiring of tents and transportation services for tourists. Tourism activities which can be performed inside the reserve includes:-camping, hot spring watching, walking, fishing, photography and surveying.


There are some camps that are under construction, so after the construction is over the…


Inside the hot spring park tourists are allowed to walk from one place to another given…


Since the reservoir has a dam then hook fishing can be done throughout the year. The…


With the presence of attractions such as hot springs, cold water ponds and grasses that…


“Home to Hippos with Albinism”

Pindiro Nature Forest Reserve (PNFR) located in Kilwa District, Lindi Region covers an area of about 12,249ha. The reserve is the largest remaining coastal forests among the nature reserves of Tanzania.  The forest serves as habitat for white hippopotamus (hippos with albinism) that are found only in the area in Tanzania.

The reserve has other numerous tourist attractions that including crocodiles, grants galago (Galagoides granti), the laser-pouched rat (Beamys hindei) and chequered elephant shrew (Rhynchocyon cirnei macrurus). Others are Nyange dam, network of riverine forests, Mbalahala hills, worshiping site and German ruins.

Ecotourism Activities

Tourists can have the opportunity to do the following Activities:

  • Game viewing
  • Canoeing
  • Spot fishing
  • Bird watching
  • Forest walks
  • Picnic
  • Hiking
  • Cultural activities
  • Research and educational
  • Tours and camping


The reserve is easily accessed by road from either Kilwa Masoko or Lindi Municipality via Kiranjeranje junction. The distance from Kilwa Masoko to the reserve is 143 km whereas the distance from Lindi is 100km.

Other Tourist Attractions near Pindiro Nature Forest Reserve

Other tourist attractions found near Pindiro Nature Forest Reserve are Rondo Nature Forest Reserve (south of Pindiro), the Ruins of Kilwa Kisiwani and Songo Mnara, Mafia Marine Parks and Mikindani Historical Site.

Supporting Facilities

Accommodations are available at Kilwa Masoko and Lindi Municipality. Visitors can also camp within the reserve.


Walking under forest canopy can take someone’s day. Mduleni Trail: One of the best…


One of the interesting activities is the hiking from mduleni to Daweni view then to the…


Api tourism is among of the most preferred activity in Pindiro Nature Reserve, it can…


While viewing hippos and enjoying the scenery of Nyange dam, Visitors can also do sport…



“A Home to Thomas Galago”

Minziro Nature Forest Reserve is an astonishing nature forest reserve with about 250 species of birds and a primate known as bush baby. The reserve extends close to the shores of the second largest lake in the world, Lake Victoria. The reserve also borders Kagera River. These water bodies support high biodiversity of both fauna and flora in the forest reserve.

The reserve is exceptional with variety of tourist attractions, which include various species of birds (such as blue swallow, forest frankolin, great blue Turaco, blue breasted kingfisher); about 600 natural species of butterfly; World war I base at Burembe hill, traditional nature trail and unique stands of papyrus along the Kagera River.

Ecotourism Activities

The reserve is blessed with multi tourist activities ranging from bird watching, hiking, camping, Nature viewing, cultural and spiritual practices of Wahaya and Baganda, photographing, research, educational tours and excursions.


The forest can be accessed via Bunazi town from Bukoba about 90km and from Mutukula area (Tanzania-Uganda border) about 35km.

Other Tourist Attractions near Minziro Nature Forest Reserve

Other tourist attractions found near Minziro Nature Forest Reserve are Ibanda Kyerwa National Park, Rumanyika-Karagwe National Park, Lake Victoria, Burigi Chato and Rubondo Island National Park

Supporting Facilities

Camping can be at two sites within the forest while other accommodation facilities can be secured outside the reserve at Bunazi, Mutukula and Bukoba townships.


Miziro Nature Forest Reserve has one camping site Kere hill where visitors can camp…


The reserve have one camping site and there are also total of 14 km of nature trails…


Birds found in Minziro are Guinea-Congo biome restricted, 58 of the 245 bird species…


The forest contains more than 600 butterfly species, surpassing any other forest in…

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