Best Places To Visit In Tanzania: VIKUNDU FOREST RESERVES


Vikindu Forest Reserve covers an area of 1,710Ha of which all are Natural Forest. Vikindu Forest Reserve (VFR) is the part of coastal forest in coast region. The VFR vegetation is of the Coastal Forests type which is globally important for their biological values and nationally important for catchment values providing water to millions of Tanzanians. The VFR has a high level of endemism for both plants and animals species with some of these species being threatened to extinction due to human activities.

Like many other natural forests in Tanzania, VFR protection was the main activity carried out throughout the years. Sometimes Action/Annual Plan of Operation (APO) were prepared by relying on Forest Act and Forest Policy to guide the implementation of activities but in most cases plan and implementation of management activities were done depending on availability of fund from TFS Eastern Zone, DFM (Mkuranga) WCST and WWF.

Vikindu Forest reserve was decleared as forest reserve by declaration order Cap. 132 of 1947, p 1347; superseded by Cap. 389- supp.59 of 1959, p. 59. Gazetted during the German administration – original map RE/K/4/1. Its status was productive forest Reserve. Vikindu Forest Reserve is under Tanzania Forest Services, The Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism. The management of this reserve is vested to the District Forest Conservator who is directly responsible to the Zonal Commander who reports to Conservation Commissioner for Tanzania Forest Services


Vikindu Forest Reserve is located in Mkuranga District, Coast region, between the villages namely Vikindu and KiparaMpakani. By coordinate the forest is located between 534000 to 528000 Eastings and 9225000’ to 9232000Northings (Grid ref: 6057’S- 7000’S, 39015’E – 39018’E)

Vikindu FR is located on relatively flat land between 40- 80 m a.s.l., approximately 15 km inland from the Indian ocean, approximately 17km south of Dar es Salaam on the main Road to Kilwa.

There is all weather access by the main tarmac Dar es Salaam to Kilwa Road (which forms part of the eastern boundary of the forests reserve). The village of Vikindu (on the main road) lies to the immediate south of the forest reserve.


Vikindu FR is richen both flora and Fauna including: Afzelia, Julbenadia, Brachestigia, Adansoniadigitata and Combretum species and fauna including: Dikdik, black butterflies,whitecolabus, Antelopes, wild pigs python, butterflies, and beetles.


VFR offers camping services to visitors in terms of hiring tents and providing camping sites to visitors who come with their tents. We have 2 camping sites (Mkangazi Camping Site,Bwawani camping site)and 1 resting banda.

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